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Car Rental La Palma

Compare prices from several car hire companies in La Palma and find the best price for car rental. Our prices always include unlimited mileage and insurance.

La Palma info

Car Rental La Palma
Car hire La Palma

La Palma is a volcanic island that is furthest north of the Canary Islands. The archipelago belongs to the Kingdom of Spain and located in the Atlantic Ocean off the North African coast. In 2009, there were almost 90 000 inhabitants of La Palma.

One of the main attractions on La Palma is the National Park of La Caldera de Taburiente which is a volcanic crater of 10 km in diameter. Nature is characterized by mountains and lush vegetation, as well as beaches. Diving, paragliding and hiking are popular activities, and in the main town of Santa Crux de la Palma, one can visit a maritime museum, the beautiful town hall from the 1500s as well as restaurants and shops.

The international airport La Palma Airport is located nearly 10 miles south of Santa Cruz de la Palma.