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Car Rental Oviedo

Compare prices from several car hire companies in Oviedo and find the best price for car rental. Our prices always include unlimited mileage and insurance.

Oviedo info

Car Rental Oviedo
Car hire Oviedo

Oviedo is located in Spain’s north western region and is part of Asturias. This is one of the most important industrial cities in the country and its population is estimated at over 220 000 (2009).

Oviedo was founded in 757 and was a residence of the royal family in the region of 800’s. The cathedral was begun in 1388 and stands on the site of the monastery of his time did. Camara Santa is part of the cathedral and was built in the 800-number for the church’s relics were kept here, which it still does. Many of the churches in the area are listed on the UNESCO list of world heritage. Of the museums one can visit include an archaeological museum and a military museum.

Asturias Airport is located nearly 50 km outside the city center and offers international flights.