Car Rental Valladolid
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Valladolid info

Valladolid is located right in the region of Castilla y León, located in the northern part of Spain. The city is the capital of the province of Valladolid, and in 2010 was the population of almost 320 000. Valladolid is located at the confluence of the rivers and Pisuerga Esgueva, and it’s about. 155 km to Madrid in the southeast.
In Valladolid, there are many historical landmarks, including the house where Miguel de Cervantes wrote part of Don Quixote.Christopher Columbus died here in 1506, and it is possible to visit the house where he lived. The city’s university was founded in 1346 and is thus one of the oldest in Spain.
It is only approx. 10 km to Valladolid Airport which offer flights to cities such as Paris, Barcelona and London.